Prevention-focused mental health care!
Prevention focused mental health care and control of your mental wellbeing!
Prevention-focused mental health care!
Prevention focused mental health care and control of your mental wellbeing!
Signed in as:
Prevention focused mental health care and control of your mental wellbeing!
Prevention focused mental health care and control of your mental wellbeing!
The Noledge House mission is to provide prevention-focused mental health programs and workshops, free to access, for all community. We aim to support people headed towards a vulnerable situation, who may be at risk of falling through the system that has developed and continues to widen between the public and private sectors. Our programs and workshops are designed to help people keep state whilst they are awaiting further intervention.
Our Vision:
1. To create a welcoming, inclusive, and sustainable community space that promotes the prevention and control of a person’s mental health and well-being.
2. To research and develop prevention-focused mental health programs and methods that are evidence-based, trauma-informed and community-targeted, that continue to promote the prevention and control of mental illness.
To reduce long wait times currently surrounding appointments to see professional health practitioners and to lower the number of emergency mental health presentations in our EDs. The Noledge House was founded to serve the community! Our programs, workshops, education and services are designed to help people in or headed towards breakdown by operating with a wellness first principle that helps to identify triggers and implement coping strategies, develop extended support networks and reduce anxiety. Completing our trauma-informed, prevention-focused programs and workshops may help to cope with depression, anxiety, addiction and other mental health issues. The Noledge House practitioners have experience, empathy and world class knowledge of treatments for mental health.
We aim to prevent a person's need to seek emergency mental health care! To do this, The Noledge House needs your generous support, please donate to The Noledge House so that we can continue delivering free mental health wellbeing support to the people you love.
The Noledge House is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC).
In order to live a higher quality life, maintaining optimal wellness is key. Everything we feel and do relates to our well-being and directly affects our actions and emotions. In order to subdue stress, reduce illness, and ensure positive moments in your life, you must achieve optimal wellness.
You can Choose to live a healthy and fulfilling life and, with your support, so can many other people!
To achieve optimal wellness, you must apply proven concepts to every facet of your life! Our programs are evidence-based and proven techniques. Applying wellness in your everyday life will allow you to achieve your full potential and live with passion and purpose.
Wellness is more than being free from illness: it is a process of change and growth toward a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle.
The Nudie Crew!